Coefficient of efficient countries�¢���� effect on inefficient countries in 2012 Olympic Games with the use of linear programming | Abstract
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Coefficient of efficient countries�¢���� effect on inefficient countries in 2012 Olympic Games with the use of linear programming

Author(s): Sajjad Aslani Khiavi, Sardar Mohammadii and Simin Esgandri

Olympic is the biggest sporting event that takes place only once every four years. Therefore, surveying the qualitative assessment of the inefficient countries according to the effect’s amount of 100% productivity countries cause the improvement of these teams. Analysis data evolvement (linear programming) is used for determination of impact amount of 100% productivity countries on inefficient countries. This comparison causes countries know their real opponents and do especial programming for compete with these teams in the future. On the other hand, they take model from these effective countries for creating changes in their inputs and outputs. This survey shows what countries have the most impact on the other countries’ inefficiencies. Indeed, units’ impact coefficient provides an improvement samples for inefficient units. Gathering inputs and outputs of the first 25 countries of the Olympic standing and analysis the data evolvement, results show that some inefficient countries are affected by the most effective countries. It means that they place at operational and qualitative level and increasing their productivity level, they should use the programs of these countries. Moreover, some inefficient countries place in less qualitative level since the impact amount of efficient countries on these countries were much less. This does not mean that the main competitors of these teams are ones except efficient countries and their comparison have no benefit and they should take samples for improvement from countries that place at low level of the table.