The requirement for enhancing healthcare products is eternally increasing. In this regard, the requisite for monitoring all the physical and chemical attributes during the manufacturing of the health care products with a lesser time is truly essential. A new tool, Process analytical technology (PAT) is used to monitor and control critical process parameters in materials and in-process products to maintain the critical quality attributes and build quality into the product. Process Analytical Technology checks the quality of the materials on-line, which saves a huge amount of time and facilitates rapid testing through direct sampling without any destruction of sample. However, to successfully adapt PAT tools into pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical environment, thorough understanding of the process is needed along with mathematical and statistical tools to analyze large multidimensional spectral data generated by PAT tools. Chemometrics is a chemical discipline which incorporates both statistical and mathematical methods to obtain and analyze relevant information from PAT spectral tools. In this article, Process Analytical Technology is briefly introduced and commonly used PAT tools in combination with appropriate chemometric methods along with their advantages and working principle are discussed.