Chemical composition of root and stem bark extracts of Nauclea latifolia | Abstract
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Chemical composition of root and stem bark extracts of Nauclea latifolia

Author(s): Egbung G.E, Atangwho I.J, Iwara I.A, Odey M .O and Ebong P.E

The medicinal value of any plant derives largely from its endowed chemical substances responsible for the observed pharmacological action(s). The present study therefore, evaluated the distribution of these constituents viz: phytochemicals, proximate composition and vitamin content of the stem and root bark of Nauclea latifolia. The result revealed the presence of relatively high amounts of antioxidant vitamins (mg/100g) in the samples: Vitamin E (106.25±3.90 and 69.75 ±2.78), Vitamin C (74.80 ± 4.40 and 45.14 ±2.87) and Vitamin A (103.18 ±1.98 and 89.83) in the stem and root bark extracts respectively. The proximate composition (%) analysis indicated moisture content (7.00± 0.03 and 15.01 ±0.02), ash (15.00±0.03 and 12.00± 0.04), fat (24.03 ±0.05 and 32.04 ±0.02) and crude protein (94.84 ±0.06 and 0.64 ±0.06) in the stem and roots respectively. Amongst other phytochemicals, the saponins (12.01± 0.01 and 5.59±0.01), total flavonoids (1.01± 0.01 and 0.51 ±0.01), total alkaloids (8.02 ±0.01 and 13.53 ±1.00) and tannins (0.25± 0.00 and 0.25 ± 0.00) were also determined in the stem and root bark respectively. Overall, the results suggest that Nauclea latifolia could be a potential source of pharmacologically active natural products and/or for development of neutraceuticals.