Characterization and anti microbial properties from the sea anemones [Heteractics magnifica and Stichodactyla mertensii] toxins | Abstract
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Characterization and anti microbial properties from the sea anemones [Heteractics magnifica and Stichodactyla mertensii] toxins

Author(s): Swagat Ghosh, T. T. Ajithh Kumar, T. Balasubramanian.

Sea anemones are rich sources of biologically active substances and the present finding describes the toxic proteins obtained from the sea anemones, Heteractics magnifica and Stichodactyla mertensii. The toxic activities were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and the results showed protein bands with an apparent molecular weight of both the species. To assess the toxic activity of the venom, bioassays were carried out and to evaluate the effect of toxin, toxicity assay was also determined for in-vivo study using Ocypod crab, Ocypoda macrocera. The hemolytic activities were also tested from the two crude extracts for chick, goat and human blood erythrocytes respectively. Further, the percentage inhibition of sea anemones extracts on the growth of the human pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhi were also studied. The results obtained from the above experiment were discussed in this paper.