Change in certain physical fitness factors after the whole-body vibration and strength training | Abstract
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Annals of Biological Research


Change in certain physical fitness factors after the whole-body vibration and strength training

Author(s): Seied Sajjad Hosseini and Mehdi Asadi Khorami

The purpose of the present research was a comparative study of the effect of whole-body vibration and strength training on dynamic balance in students. From the male students of IAU, Abhar Branch, 90 students voluntarily participated in the research. The participants were divided into three groups of 30 subjects– vibration training, strength training, and control. Star Excursion Balance Test was used to estimate the dynamic balance of the subjects in the pretest and posttest. Accordingly, the reach distance of the subjects in the eight directions of SEBT was measured in cm, divided by leg length and multiplied by 100, yielding subjects' reach distance as an ability to maintain balance. Muscle endurance was estimated by sit-ups, agility by36-meter run, and speed by 60-meter run. After obtaining the pretest data, the vibration training group undertook WBV exercises for six weeks and the strength training group performed strength exercises in a similar period. During this period the subjects in the control group continued their normal daily activities. Descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance, and Tukey's post hoc test were applied for data analysis at the 0.05 significance level. The results of one-way ANOVA showed that in the pretest there was no significant difference between the subjects of the three groups in dynamic balance (  0.05), yet this difference was significant in the posttest (  0.001). Given the findings of the research, it can be recommended to physical fitness trainers and sport planners to make use of strength and vibration training for improving dynamic balance at different stages of general