Canine leishmaniasis in Constantine: Test of a therapeutic and Zyloric the Glucantime | Abstract
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Canine leishmaniasis in Constantine: Test of a therapeutic and Zyloric the Glucantime

Author(s): Bererhi El Hacene, Bouaziz Omar and Kabouia Rachid

In this study, we report the results of a therapeutic trial of canine leishmaniasis with certain molecules (Glucantime and Zyloric). Canine medicine service of the Veterinary Institute of Constantine in collaboration with private veterinary practitioners has developed a test protocol therapy. This study involved 12 dogs divided into three lots, ranging in age from three years to nine years, of different sexes and different breed. The molecules are Glucantime tested at a dose of 80 mg per kg per day, subcutaneously morning and evening for 60 days, more Zyloric at a dose of 10 mg per kg per day orally (morning and evening). Of the 04 dogs treated, 03 were cured (75%). Then Zyloric (only) at a dose of 10 mg per kg per day orally, 2 times a day (morning and evening), 01 single dog is cured of the 05 treated (20%). Glucantime then only at a dose of 100 mg per kg per day subcutaneously every 48 hours for six months, no improvement on the 03 treated dogs (100% arrows). Efficiency in terms of clinical criteria confirmed by biological association Glucantime-Zyloric demonstrates an interest in relation to conventional therapy.