Biodiversity and distribution of fauna of mammalia in the Shahdagh National Park of Azerbaijan | Abstract
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Biodiversity and distribution of fauna of mammalia in the Shahdagh National Park of Azerbaijan

Author(s): Sujaddin M. Guliyev

The studies were conducted from 2006 to 2009 in the territory of Shahdag National Park, where it was found about 47 mammal species, representing 41.4 % of the total mammalian fauna of Azerbaijan. There were registered two species (Sorex raddei Satunin, 1895, Capra cylindricornis Blyth, 1840) endemic to Caucasus. 6 species of bats, 5 species of predators and 3 species of cloven-hoofed theriofauna (totally 14 species) of the NP are listed in the "Red Book" of Azerbaijan. From them 6 species of mammals included in the Red List of IUCN. The data on the distribution of animals in the NP, and the patterns of their distribution in the vertical zones are also presented in the paper.