Biochemical alteration with acute potassium sulfate toxicity in European rabbit, Uryctolagus cuniculus (Linn.) | Abstract
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European Journal of Zoological Research


Biochemical alteration with acute potassium sulfate toxicity in European rabbit, Uryctolagus cuniculus (Linn.)

Author(s): Anant J. Dhembare

The aim of the study was to assess the influence of acute potassium sulfate toxicity on biochemical parameters of European rabbit. Rabbit treated with potassium sulfate showed reduction in protein and cholesterol while rise in creatinine and bilirubin. On concomitant to minimum and maximum percent alterations in protein [-5.5 to -20.0%], cholesterol [-6.7 to -13.3%], creatinine [8.3 to 16.6] and bilirubin [2.2 to 6.7%] were recorded on exposure period. The result suggests the modulation in blood serum biochemical on exposure on potassium sulfate. These parameters are valuable indicators of health and stresses in living organism.