Avifaunal diversity in an IBA site of north east India and their conservation | Abstract
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Avifaunal diversity in an IBA site of north east India and their conservation

Author(s): N.N. Dutta, D. Baruah and S.Borah

The present study aims to estimate the avifaunal diversity of Bordoibam Bilmukh bird sanctuary, a nationally important IBA site of NE region of India during August 2009 to July 2010. A total of 133 species of birds belonging to 41 families have been recorded, of which 86 (64.7%), 23 (17.3%) 24 (18%) species were resident, migratory and, local mover. Conservation programmes on the wetland and avifaunal diversity in the bird sanctuary should be formulated for all kinds of avifauna.