Associated variations in sexuality and vegetative trait growth of Telfairia Occidentalis using organo-mineral fertilizer regimes | Abstract
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Associated variations in sexuality and vegetative trait growth of Telfairia Occidentalis using organo-mineral fertilizer regimes

Author(s): Aremu CO, Akanbi WB and Adewale BD

Field experiments were carried out to determine the associated variations in sexuality and vegetative trait growth of Telfairia Occidentalis using organo- mineral fertilizer regimes. Ten treatments comprising of three inorganic fertilizer levels of 0.17kg/ha (T1) NPK, 0.20kg/ha (T2) NPK and 0.23kg/ha (T3) NPK; three organic fertilizer levels of pacesetter (0.83kg/ha (T4), 1.0kg/ha (T5), 1.17kg/ha (T6) and Titonia source, 1.18kg/ha (T7), 1.42kg/ha (T8) and 1.67kg/ha (T9). Telfairia plants grown without any fertilizer application served as control (T10). Plant stands fertilized with Titonia and Pacesetter organic materials at 1.18kgha-1 and 1.17kgha- 1 regimes, grew luxuriantly with wider and thicker telfairia stems, showing high vigor index and more established plants compared to the inorganic fertilizer source of NPK at 150kg/ha. The sex proportion for Telfairia crops under Titonia and pacesetter fertilizer levels of 1.18kg/ha and 1.17kg/ha were 2 female to 1 male type. These sex proportions were evident in the luxuriant vegetables with high vigor index performance of the Telfairia crops under the organic fertilizer regimes. Based on consumer preference of the luxuriant vegetables at groceries and the non residual chemical effect of the organic materials, 1.18kg/ha and 1.17kg/ha Titonia and pacesetter sources were considered optimal for Telfairia vegetable production.