Earlier, the fruit quality of local apricot varieties has been described summarily on the basis of morphological traits. Detailed characterization of the Tunisian cultivars was done using physical and chemical fruits traits. The aim of this work is to select among twelve early ripening cultivars, genotypes with high fruit quality as parents for new breeding program (creation of new cultivars: early, self-compatible, high fruit quality and resistant to main fungal diseases). A highly significant difference was obtained between the cultivars and between the years. Whereas, the fruit position had only significant influence on the flesh percentage in the fruit. Significant correlations were obtained between many fruit traits (physical and chemical). The fruit size (thickness, weight, length and width), flesh firmness, stone weight, juice and total soluble sugars percentages were of great interest for discrimination between the cultivars. The geographical origin was not a determinant criterion for cultivar clustering. The studied cultivars were divided into three groups: Bedri Ahmar and Bouk Ahmed (very small: 20-30g), Bouthani Ben Friha, Oueld El Oud, Hamidi, Adedi Ahmar, Sayeb and Asli (small: 31-40g). Fruits of Oud Hmida and the two hybrids Ouardi and Raki were classified as small/medium (41-45g). The results showed that Ouardi, Sayeb, Raki, Oud Rhayem and Oud Hmida have a high fruit quality. These cultivars were already used as parents for the new apricot breeding program.