In this study, effect of the leachate from an open dumping site in autonagar Hyderabad, on groundwater and its suitability for drinking purposes is investigated. In order to assess the ground water quality thirty ground water samples were collected in pre-monsoon 2008 and post-monsoon 2008 and analyzed for physic-chemical parameters. Physical and chemical parameters of groundwater such as electrical conductivity, pH, total dissolved solid, Na, K, Ca, Mg, HCO3, Cl, and SO4 were determined.. The results indicated that, concentrations of Na, K, Ca, Mg, in the groundwater samples of pre and post monsoon seasons of 2008 are within the permissible limits of Bureau of Indian standards[1]. The pH of the groundwater reveals that it is mildly acidic to slightly alkaline in nature. Based on other parameters the ground water quality at nearby dwellings is highly deteriorating and may lead to increase in human health risk.