Assessment of genetic counseling in self-care management by caregivers and parents of children with sickle cell disorder in Lagos state | Abstract
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Assessment of genetic counseling in self-care management by caregivers and parents of children with sickle cell disorder in Lagos state

Author(s): Ibitayo A. O.

This study was conducted among parents and care-givers of children diagnosed with sickle cell disorder in selected health facilities-Maccy Sickle Cell Clinic, Gbagada Sickle Cell Clinic and National Sickle Cell Centre, Lagos; to assess the impact of genetic counselling on their preventive sickling crises measures and adherence level as diverse reports have predicted genetic counselling and public education about SCD as a vital factor that mediates the improvement of prospects for SCD management in low income countries. A total number of 104 parents or/and caregivers of children with sickle cell disorder in centres affiliated with Sickle Cell Foundation were interviewed through designed questionnaires. The mean age of the respondents studied was 38.6.Using Epi-info,statistical analysis showed an insignificant association between respondents’ level of formal education and adherence to selfmanagement measures as χ 2 =0.2, P=0.624 and Fishers P=0. 616.Also, frequency of genetic counselling visits was unrelated to adherence as only 23.4% of respondents that have attended genetic counselling for four times and more, use a thermometre to measure their child’s temperature while 76.6% from the same group do not. Hence, no statistical association was found as χ 2=0.4, P=0.505 and Fishers’ P= 0.609. There is therefore, the need for incorporating improved psychosocial and behavioural interventions into existing social management protocol of sickle cell disorder to engender adoption and adherence of sickling crises prevention measures by caregivers and parents for improved health outcomes in sickle cell patients and across other domains of sickle cell disorder management.