Ascorbic Effect on the endosulphan induced alterations in Blood Glucose level of the Freshwater Fish, Channa orientalis (Schneider) | Abstract
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Central European Journal of Experimental Biology


Ascorbic Effect on the endosulphan induced alterations in Blood Glucose level of the Freshwater Fish, Channa orientalis (Schneider)

Author(s): Shinde Brijalal Ramdas

The study on fishes and their diseases has importance in life of human being because it has nutritive value. Fresh water fishes, Channa orientalis were exposed to chronic dose of Endosulfan without and with ascorbic acid. Total count Blood Glucose level content was recorded. Remarkable decreases in Blood Glucose level were observed in Endosulfan exposed fishes. Fishes were exposed to Endosulfan with L-ascorbic acid showed less present variation in the Blood Glucose level. Pre-exposed Fishes to pesticides showed fast recovery with ascorbic acid as compared to cured naturally. The role of ascorbic acid on exposure to Endosulfan of an experimental fish, Channa orientalis is discussed in the paper.