Ulcer is an open sore or an outer or inner surface of the body brought about by a break in the skin or mucus membrane usually, a blood stream issue which neglects to mend. Ulcer ranges from little excruciating wounds in the mouth to bedsores and genuine sores of the stomach or digestive tract. Ulceration happens when there is an unsettling influence of the ordinary harmony brought about by either upgraded animosity or reduced mucosal resistance. It might be because of the ordinary use of medications, sporadic sustenance propensities, stress, thus forth. Ulcers can likewise be brought about by an infection, called H. pylori. Regular indications of gastric ulcers incorporate weight reduction, poor hunger, swelling, burping, spewing and once in a while heaving blood. The present review focuses on history of ulcer, its types, pathophysiology, anti-ulcer therapeutic plants and current status of worldwide clinical preliminaries led on ulcers. Various synthetic drugs are accessible to treat ulcers. Conventional medicines or to bring up obviously, the restorative plants have more extensive scope of helpful focal points in the best possible administration of ailment, as they have better pharmacological activity alongside low rate of reactions or the antagonistic impacts. Anti-ulcer therapeutics has more extensive market all-inclusive referring to the reality of predominance of ulcers in people and animals. Medicinal plants additionally in this manner have immense market for themselves in our definitive objective of giving recuperating contact to the illnesses individual. Clinical preliminaries are going on around the world, including India, in their push to think of explicit restorative methodologies to manage ulcers and event of different infections. Time will be no far, when clinical preliminaries led, would help in bringing out clear remedial objective to diminish the event of ulcers and better administration of this disease to serve the mankind.