Anatomical variation of the left suclavian artery in a Calf | Abstract
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Anatomical variation of the left suclavian artery in a Calf

Author(s): Mohammad reza Paryani, Hassan Gilanpour, Somaye Hamedi, Seyed mehdi Rajaei,Reza Sadjadi

In ruminants, brachiocephalic trunk forms a common trunk with the left subclavian artery. This report describes a variation in the origin of left subclavian artery in an embalmed calf. In this case, the origin of the left subclavian artery was different as it was originated separately from the convexity of the aortic arch after separation of brachiocephalic trunk. This branching pattern is similar to carnivores and it seems that the existence of left subclavian branching from the aortic arch in calf should be considered as a rare condition.