An Investigation of Effective Elements on Investment Behavior of Cooperative Members (Tybad Livestock Production Cooperatives) | Abstract
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An Investigation of Effective Elements on Investment Behavior of Cooperative Members (Tybad Livestock Production Cooperatives)

Author(s): Alireza Karbasi and Azita Sarvari

Rural production cooperative is one of the advanced stages of cooperative that has an important role in sustainable rural development and the government has spent a lot to encourage it. The aims of these cooperatives are: 1) Integrating all pieces of lands possessed by cooperative members. 2) Providing the condition to maximize the use of water and soil resources. 3) Expanding the methods of working and livelihood. 4) Appropriate use of agricultural machines. 5) Barren farms reproduction. 6) Increasing production and income of farmers and villagers. The current research aims at evaluating the effective elements on investment behavior of members of Tybad Livestock production cooperative. The data was gathered using questionnaire and making use of random sampling, from 50 cooperative members in 2011. In order to evaluate investment behaviour of members, logit model and shazam software was used. The results show that the distance between habitancy and cooperative, and average monthly income and members' fund were statistically significant and that average income had negative effect while the other two had a positive effect on the desire to invest on a cooperative. Thus, for promoting the level of cooperatives such as production cooperative, the government aid is essential for cooperatives to help them represent good services. Moreover, cooperatives should prepare members with all the facilities and services to promote their participation and farmers as well as ranchmen's condition and to increase others' tendency toward membership.