An innovative method for using the Day-Cent model to simulate intercropping | Abstract
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Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources


An innovative method for using the Day-Cent model to simulate intercropping

Author(s): Sara Diaz*

Croplands can have less detrimental environmental effects by combining various crops in intricate spatial and temporal configurations. Simulation models are helpful tools to investigate novel crop combinations and management techniques in various settings under various weather conditions. However, there aren't many models that can simulate the growth of two or more crops at once, such as intercropping or relay cropping systems. To simulate two crop kinds growing simultaneously, we modified Day-Cent; one of the most frequently used models for analyzing greenhouse gas emissions on croplands. The savanna scheme, which was intended to mimic a single crop and tree species growing concurrently and competing for light and nutrients, included various tree attributes that we altered. As a result, we were able to replicate the growth of two crop species simultaneously without changing the model code. Our findings were in good agreement with common single crop predictions of various important variables as well as with grain production and aboveground biomass measurements obtained from a lengthy intercropping experiment. According to a sensitivity analysis, the factors that affect the leaf-area-index are more crucial than those that affect crop competition. DayCent can now simulate a variety of crop combinations for intercropping and relay cropping methods, allowing researchers to examine the agronomic and environmental performance of cutting-edge agricultural systems