An improvised vascular perfusion apparatus for low resource histochemistry and immunohistochemistry laboratories | Abstract
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Annals of Biological Research


An improvised vascular perfusion apparatus for low resource histochemistry and immunohistochemistry laboratories

Author(s): Ahmad A. Tijani, Damilare A. Adekomi and Stephen O. Adewole

Perfusion method has become universally accepted in animal research laboratories with profound influence on tissue staining under microscope. This universal acceptance has in recent years led to the development of some standard commercial apparatus for perfusion method of fixation which are hardly affordable by low resource histochemistry and immunohistochemistry laboratories. We improvised a low cost vascular perfusion apparatus for low resource histochemistry and immunohistochemistry laboratories to enhance the outcome of their researches. The cost incurred in improvising our vascular gravity-fed perfusion apparatus is just about 4 % (six dollars) of the average cost for the commercially available ones. Our improvised apparatus is cost effective and is, as a result, recommended for other low resource animal research laboratories to adapt for use.