An environ-economic backbone in the economic resurgence of barren and semi-arid regions: Azadirachta Indica | Abstract
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Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources


An environ-economic backbone in the economic resurgence of barren & semi-arid regions: Azadirachta Indica

Author(s): G.N. Shinde and Brototi Biswas

Indian Neem Tree (Azadirachta indica) is the subject matter of numerous scientific studies concerning its utilization in medicine, industry and agriculture. The study area even after being geographically suitable for Neem growth has no commercial growth & utilization of Neem. The study focuses on the barren lands of the study area to develop them as potential medicinal garden for Neem growth. The study delves into the commercial as well as environmental aspects of Neem like temperature decrease, regular rainfall, natural fertilization, natural pesticide ability etc along with the primary economic aspects of Neem through production of Neem oil, Neem cake & Neem leaves. The study has shown positive results in transforming uneconomic, unutilized barren lands into green-economic hubs, thus developing a strong environ-economic backbone for the study area. The study has proved that Neem can strike a positive balance between economy & environment & help in the economic resurgence of barren & semi-arid regions.