Background: Bone health is a complex issue affected by multiple hormones and minerals. Findings show that 1 out of 3 women and 1 out of 5 men are suffering from osteoporosis. Some of the adults group are suffering from Adult Lactose Intolerance (ALI). Those cases prefer not consume dairy products since they feel uncomfortable after eating cheese or drinking milk knowing that they are not lactose-free food. Now, we investigate the influence of (ALI) on Calcium intake, absorption and osteoporosis. Method: Investigated calcium intake single nucleotide polymorphism of LCT, markers of bone metabolism and BMD in 183 Turkish immigrates. Result: 154 out of 183 was (ALI) diagnosed. Osteopenia was diagnosed in 59 out of 183 (32%) and osteoporosis in 15 out of 183 (8%). Probands had a decreased calcium intake and probands with reduced bone mass density (BMD) had (ALI) in 86%. There was no significant association between (ALI), Calcium intake, BMD or markers of bone metabolism. Conclusion: Turkish immigrates who suffer from (ALI) don’t consume dairy products and this means low calcium intake compared to other people who normally eat dairy products. However, (ALI) didn’t significantly influence calcium intake. Therefore, (ALI) doesn’t seem to be a risk factor for osteoporosis or affect directly the bone health.