A survey of �Ž�²hCG in Cervicovaginal Secretions as a predictor of Preterm Delivery | Abstract
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A survey of �Ž�²hCG in Cervicovaginal Secretions as a predictor of Preterm Delivery

Author(s): Minoo Ranjbar, Najmeh Tehranian, Anoshiravan Kazemnejad, Saeideh Ziaei

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the levels of βhCG cervicovaginal secretions and preterm delivery. A cross-sectional analysis was used and cerevicovaginal secretion specimens were obtained from women in their 24th-36th weeks (every 6 days) of pregnancy who presented the pregnancy clinic with preterm labor manifestations. Frozen samples (at -20°C) were assayed with radio immunoassay method in 72 hours‚ showed the higher mean values of βhCG in cervicovaginal secretions in group 1(preterm labor and delivery) compared with group 2 ( preterm labor and term delivery) and group 3 ( control). There was a considerable difference in the value of human chorionic gonadotropin among three pregnant groups. Elevated cervicovaginal levels of βhCG (22.5 milli unit per milliliter) is associated with preterm delivery (97% sensivity, 76% specifity, 81% positive predictive value, 96% negative predictive value). The cut-off group 2 and 3 are also reported, which showed the βhCG level could be used as a useful parameter for preterm delivery prediction.