A simple method for the isolation and cloning of genomic DNA from dried bone tissues of Indus river dolphin Platanista minor | Abstract
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A simple method for the isolation and cloning of genomic DNA from dried bone tissues of Indus river dolphin Platanista minor

Author(s): Amtul Jamil Sami

Platanista minor is a riverine endangered specie of mammals in Pakistan. Due to its endangered status, availability of fresh tissue samples, required for molecular studies has been a problem. A method is reported for the isolation of genomic DNA, from dried bone tissues of P.minor and its cloning. Partially degraded genomic DNA was isolated by a method based on alkaline lysis. For cloning a strategy was employed to join Adenine/Thymine overhangs, with in the partially degraded genomic DNA with the, commercially available plasmid for T/A cloning. The resultant plasmid DNA was transformed into E.coli and the plasmid constructs were isolated and sequenced for the cloned fragments of DNA. Sequence of a cloned DNA fragment was submitted to Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory Hixton Cambridge UK EMBL data bank under the accession No. GenBank: FR728680.1.