A Short Note on Chickpea and its Symbionts | Abstract
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A Short Note on Chickpea and its Symbionts

Author(s): John Watson

Chickpea, Cicer arietinum L., is a reasonable, significant, old and overall heartbeat crop consumed broadly, with
two unmistakable developed sorts of cultivar Desi and Kabuli. Chickpea is filled in more than 50 nations across the
Indian subcontinent, North Africa, the Middle East, southern Europe, the Americas, Australia, and China. It is a
decent wellspring of sugars and protein, together comprising around 80% of the complete dry seed mass. Chickpea
utilization is accounted for to have a few positive physiological and medical advantages and could diminish the
gamble of ongoing illnesses and enhance wellbeing. Accordingly, chickpeas might actually be considered as a ‘useful
food’ notwithstanding their acknowledged job of giving proteins and fiber. During the beyond twenty years, rhizobial
variety related to chickpea has been concentrated broadly in a few nations, in Europe, Asia, and Oceania to expound
the effect on the supportable subjective and quantitative yield of chickpea.