A rare presentation of Lipoleiomyomas among Leiomyomas | Abstract
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A rare presentation of Lipoleiomyomas among Leiomyomas

Author(s): Ezhil Arasi Nagamuthu and Syeda Sumaiya Fatima

Lipoleiomyoma is an unusual fatty tumor with an incidence of 0.03% to 0.2% .These tumors show characteristic histological findings, being composed of benign smooth muscle and mature adipose tissue. Lipoleiomyomas occur in different locations including cervix and ovaries. They are benign tumors of the uterus that do not affect mortality. Lipoleiomyomas when asymptomatic require no treatment and are clinically similar to leiomyomas. So, it is important to differentiate these tumors from ovarian teratoma, which requires surgical excision. We have reported three such rare cases at Modern Government Maternity Hospital ,Osmania Medical College Hyderabad