A powerful explosion of light for production of porous materials and nanotechnology | Abstract
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European Journal of Applied Engineering and Scientific Research


A powerful explosion of light for production of porous materials and nanotechnology

Author(s): Kholmurad Khasanov

American scientist D. Fisher [1] paid attention to the “point of infinite compression, a special “singular” point. Mathematical­ly, it corresponds to a function having an explosive derivative. Professor of the University of Munich R. Kippenhan [2] in his work noted that “from the surface of the star quantum electro­magnetic radiation rushes into interstellar space.” reaching our atmosphere creates converging spherical waves leading to an infinite point of compression, having an explosive character. Our studies have shown that these electromagnetic waves are to a large extent the ultraviolet radiation of the near range of 400-300nm. The near ultraviolet range is often called “black light,” since the human eyes do not recognize it. Black light when colliding with the atmosphere continuum forms converg­ing spherical super compression waves. These waves when they reach the atmosphere of the earth create an explosive field. Our dynamic emitter of the original design generates spherical converging shock waves in a supersonic jet, leading to the point of infinite compression “special point” having an explosive de­rivative. The jet, interacting with the atmospheric background ultraviolet radiation, entering into the resonance mode gener­ates a powerful explosion of black light (Figure 1) [3], the ener­gy of which provides the synthesis of porous nanomaterial. The principle of operation of the emitter in practice has shown that the energy of a powerful explosion of black light in the labora­tory and in production is a safe, cost-effective source of energy.