The main purpose of this study is to compare the amount of motivation in sport participation among contact and non-contact athletes and also individual and group sports. Eighty five individuals were selected by available sampling way. Samples were in both group sports including: Volleyball, Handball, Hockey, Rowing and individual sports including: Judo, Wushu, Track and Field, and Shooting. In this research the Gill’s Sport Orientation Questionnaire, made in 1988 was used which has 25 grading questions and it is in the form of Likert’s Five - Point - Scale .Total grade of motivation was derived from the three sub-measuring factors: win, goal and competitive orientation. The stability of the questionnaire has been tested by Shafizadeh and Bahram by validity of % 91 and stabilityof % 70. Kolomogorov Smirnov Inferential Statistics Test was used to test the normality of data. These results were obtained: win %65, goal%73, competitive%77, and motivation%76. , One Way Anova Test was used after the descriptive statistics from the Kolmogorov Smirnov Test, with alpha value of %05. Tukey Test was used to check the various differences of the averages two by two. Results indicated that there is no significant difference between individual and group contact sports due to competitive and wining attitudes but there is a considerable difference in non-contacts. Due to the goal orientation factor in both contact and non-contact in both individual and group sports a significant difference was observed in participation factor, too. It showed that motivation in individual and group sports in non-contact was more than contact ones. The most motivation abserved in the group and individual in non-contact athletes and group and individual in contact ones, respectively.