A comparative study of fatty acids and sterols profiles in seed oil of five Cassia species | Abstract
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A comparative study of fatty acids and sterols profiles in seed oil of five Cassia species

Author(s): Lalita Ledwani, Shelley Oberoi

The fatty acids and sterols composition of seed oil were determined from five Cassia species namely: Cassia absus Linn., Cassia alata Linn., Cassia javanica Linn., Cassia laevigata Linn., Cassia roxburghii DC. The oil content was ranged from 3.5% to 6.2 %. The fatty acid and sterols composition of seed oil of five Cassia species were analyzed by Gas Chromatography. Four fatty acids: C16:0 palmitic acid, C18:0 stearic acid, C18:1 oleic acid and C18:2 linoleic acid (along with minor percentage of C18:3 linolenic acid in C. roxburghii & C. absus) were identified in all five species. The tested seed oil contained mainly unsaturated fatty acids i.e. C18:2 linoleic acid in the range from 45.96% to 60.25% and C18:1 oleic acid from 26.29% to 34.91%. C16:0 Palmitic acid was the most abundant saturated acid. Three sterols cholesterol, stigma sterol and b-sitosterol were found in all species. b-sitosterol was found to be major sterol in C. javanica (67.50 %), C. alata (64.79 %) and C. roxburghii (63.29 %) and C. absus (53.42%) while sigmasterol was major in C. laevigata (45.34 %). Linoleic acid, oleic acid, stigmasterol and b- sitosterol were identified as the major constituent of the oil.