Effect of Salicylic acid application on morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics of Cyclamen persicum Miller | Abstract
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Effect of Salicylic acid application on morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics of Cyclamen persicum Miller

Author(s): Mohammad Farjadi-Shakiba*, Roohangiz Naderib and Masood Mashhadi Akbar Boojarc

Persian cyclamen is a perennial geophytes plant which has a special position between ornamentals due to its charm, diversity and winter flowering period. As this flower’s quality and quantity is affected extensively by its nutrition and environmental factors, and regarding the various influences of salicylic acid (SA) in plant performance, this experiment was conducted to evaluate the external application of salicylic acid on the quality and quantity of this Iranian native flower. Therefore cyclamen plants were sprayed with 0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5 mM salicylic acid and their morphological, physiological and biochemical features were studied. Studied morphological features were: bud stage days, blooming days, total flowering days, total flowers, leaf area and number. Studied physiological features were: fresh weight, dry weight, relative water content and membrane stability index of petals. This was while for biochemical features superoxide dismutase, catalase activity beside protein, spermidine and spermine content of petals at five different flowering stages were studied. Morphological results indicate the beneficial effect of external SA application on flowering and vegetative growth of Persian cyclamen. SA application significantly delayed bud anthesis, increased blooming days, total flowers and total flowering days. Although SA application did not have a great impact on total number of leaves, but it increased leaf area. Relative water content, dry and fresh weights were increased by exogenous SA application. Membrane stability index was also similarly improved. SA improved antioxidant enzyme activity by increasing the activity of free radical scavengers such as SOD and CAT during all flowering stages. Protein and spermine content increased in all SA treatments. Spermine increment was only observed up to stage 3. This was while spermidine level was only improved in 1.5 mM concentration.