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Sonia Smith



  • Editorial   
    Past Conference Report 2019
    Author(s): Sonia Smith

    In 2019 we had successfully conducted 2nd Annual Con­ference on 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing in Dubai, UAE during May 22-23, 2020 with 7 Organizing Committee Members and 9 Renowned Speakers. Our key note speakers were Pirkko-LiisaTarvonen from Fin­land, Morgan Eldred from UAE, SofianeGuessame from France. And the conference highlights were Additive Manufacturing and 3D Robotics, 3D Printing in Bioma­terials, PCBS Electronic Printing, 3D Ceramics Printing, Tissue Engineering and Fabrication, Medical 3D Print­ing: Orthodontics and Prosthetics, 3D Printing in Auto­motive Industry. The theme of the conference was ‘Exe­cution of Envision &Visuality by .. Read More»

    Abstract PDF