Short Communication
The Effect Of The Ketogenic Diet On Muscle Strength And Exercise Performance
Author(s): Nezihe Sengun*
BY RESPECTING THE FUNCTION OF YOUR BODY YOU CAN DO MIRACLES FOR YOUR HEALTH & ENERGY. The basis of the ketogenic diet is based on low carbohydrate and high fat content. Ketogenic diets differ according to their carbohydrate content. Fats are used as an alternative energy source in the ketogenic diet. The most common use of ketogenic diets is to provide rapid weight loss. The most obvious effect of the ketogenic diet on athletes is to reduce muscle fatigue. The results obtained in the laboratory environment cannot be generalized to various sports branches. There is no definite information that the ketogenic diet increases muscle strength and exercise performance. Therefore, ketogenic diet and ketogenic products should be used carefully in athletes. As a result of the review, more and longer clinical studies are needed... Read More»