Phytohormone-Regulated Transcription Factors Affecting Plant Imm
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Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources

Opinion - Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources ( 2022) Volume 12, Issue 4

Phytohormone-Regulated Transcription Factors Affecting Plant Immunity, Development, And Architecture As Well As Growth

Joe Bennet*
Managing Editor, Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources, UK
*Corresponding Author:
Joe Bennet, Managing Editor, Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources, UK, Email:

Received: 15-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. Jnppr-22-80272; Editor assigned: 16-Jul-2022, Pre QC No. Jnppr-22-80272 (PQ); Reviewed: 25-Jul-2022, QC No. Jnppr-22-80272 (Q); Revised: 30-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. jnppr-22-80272 (R); Published: 01-Aug-2022


The growth-defense tradeoff, which refers to the relationship between immune activation by foreign signals or mutations that cause autoimmunity, has long been linked to reduced plant growth. Recent research have shown that growth and defence can be uncoupled, demonstrating that metabolic regulation is not the only cause of the growth-defense tradeoff, which was previously assumed to be a diversion of metabolic resources away from development and towards defence. Beyond lowering plant biomass, immunity activation affects plant development in other ways, such as through modifications to the structure of the plant. The growth-defense tradeoff, which refers to the relationship between immune activation by foreign signals or mutations that cause autoimmunity, has long been linked to reduced plant growth. Recent research have shown that growth and defence can be uncoupled, demonstrating that metabolic regulation is not the only cause of the growth-defense tradeoff, which was previously assumed to be a diversion of metabolic resources away from development and towards defence. Beyond lowering plant biomass, immunity activation affects plant development in other ways, such as through modifications to the structure of the plant. 


Plant, Development, Replanting, and Leaves Keywords: Plant, Development, Replanting, and Leaves


Plant development is frequently observed to be negatively impacted when plant immunity is engaged by pathogen awareness, treatment with pharmacological activators of defence, or mutations generating autoimmunity. Both crop plant species and model plants like Arabidopsis thaliana exhibit this phenomenon, which is also known as the growth-defense tradeoff. Such growth inhibition reduces plant production as a whole and prevents plant breeding efforts from using mutations that result in constitutive immunity. The growthdefense tradeoff was thought to be caused by a redirection of the plant's metabolism away from development and toward defence in early investigations on the characterization of plants with activated states of immunity. Evidence of lower rates of photosynthetic activity as well as modifications in the primary and specialized metabolisms of plants following defence activation is used to support this idea. The entire reason for this growth suppression by immunity, however, is not due to metabolism being redirected for the manufacture of defensive chemicals reviewed in. Recent research has demonstrated that defence and growth can be separated; giving plants greater defence without seriously affecting development.

The growth-defense tradeoff has generally been observed by observations of decreased biomass and yield at the level of overall plant growth. Defense-activated plants, however, can also show alterations in plant growth, including ectopic meristem development, alterations in apical dominance and internode length, as well as alterations in blooming time. Immunity activation therefore affects more than just growth; it also modifies changes in development which include changes in patterns of cell division and expansion, which alters organ shape and plant architecture. Agriculture must place the highest priority on plant architecture. Reduced plant height, but also variations in leaf length or width, or even branching and leaf angle patterns, can significantly alter light absorption and photosynthesis, altering plant performance as a whole. These characteristics also have a direct impact on a plant's capacity for growth in high-density agronomic planting environments and its adaptability for mechanical harvest. Similar to this, altered root architecture, including a reduction in root length, the number of root hairs, and the structure of lateral roots, prevents plants from properly absorbing water and capturing crucial nutrients from the soil for growth. Additionally, the vascular patterns in both roots and shoots are crucial for mechanical strength and resistance to lodging in addition to the transportation of water, minerals, and photosynthesis from source to sink tissues.

Plants can integrate environmental information and decide whether to start, continue, or stop developmental programmes thanks to Phytohormone signaling networks and their extensive interaction. The obvious mediators of this growth-defense trade-off are hence Phytohormone. Plants react by producing more of the Phytohormone salicylic acid or jasmonic acid in response to attacks by bio trophic or neurotropic pathogens, respectively. High levels of SA or JA can have an adverse effect on plant growth once they reach a certain threshold due to interactions with other Phytohormone pathways. In this study, we emphasise Phytohormone-regulated transcriptional factors that mediate plant immunity and development, as well as the influence these factors have on the structural organization of plants. Understanding these transcriptional mediators and the growth, immune, and developmental processes they regulate, along with engineering their expression and activity, can result in plants that have altered plant architecture, which in turn affects several traits that are significant from an agronomical standpoint.

Snippets of Sections

Plant immunity and shoot development are impacted by Phytohormone-regulated transcription factors: The processes of plant development and defence activation depend heavily on transcriptional regulation. Transcription factors are in charge of converting signals into gene expression. As a result, a number of tfs have been discovered to be regulators of immunity and plant development. These transcription factors are typically controlled in opposing ways by Phytohormone involved in growth or defense. While the main regulators of these are the primary tfs of Phytohormone pathways.

Plant immunity and root growth are impacted by phytohormone-regulated transcription factors: Although the majority of the TFs controlling plant development and immunity have been described as acting on the plant shoot, immune activation can also have developmental effects on roots because they are also the location of pathogen attack and defence. The atypical transcription factor dimerization partner promotes Endo-reduplication and functions as a transcriptional regulator of the SA transporter when produced in dividing cells. Disease susceptibility, enhanced.

Phytohormone-Regulated Transcription Factors Influencing Meristem Function, Flowering, and Plant Immunity

A homeodomain transcription factor called Wuschel is necessary for the maintenance of stem cells in the shoot apical meristem. Phytohormone controls the proper spatial expression of Wus in the Sam, which is crucial for the control of cell proliferation and differentiation in the Sam and the beginning of primordia. The Sam is well recognized for being disease-free, and cultivating meristems is one method for making virus-free plants.

Engineering Transcription Factors to Control a Plant's Defenses and Structure

A homeodomain transcription factor called Wuschel is necessary for the maintenance of stem cells in the shoot apical meristem. Phytohormone controls the proper spatial expression of Wus in the Sam, which is crucial for the control of cell proliferation and differentiation in the SAM and the beginning of primordia. The Sam is well recognized for being disease-free, and cultivating meristems is one method for making virus-free plants.


It is difficult to tailor hormonal networks for specific results because of the intricacy of phytohormonal signaling networks and the significant interaction among them. In order to design hormonally controlled systems, depending on regulators with specialized tasks, like as Tfs, can be an appealing alternative. Plant immunity and development are controlled by phytohormone-regulated transcription factors, which open the door to manipulating their expression.