Study of ULF magnetic field variation for identification of earthquake precursor before a moderate Earthquake at Kachchh, Gujarat, India
Author(s): S. K. Sahoo, K. M. Rao, M. S. B. S. Prasad, C. P. Simha, S. Joshi
Study of the Floristic Diversity of urban Ecosystems under the urban influence, the case of Boussaada City, Algeria
Author(s): Rabah Bounar, Khellaf Rebbas, Mouloud Ghadbane, Mustapha Dahia
Spectroscopic studies of pure and doped L -alanine hydrogen chloride monohydrate single crystals
Author(s): B. Anita, V. Renganayaki
Influence of harvesting time on the phenolic composition,antioxidant activities and anti-cholinesterase potential of processed yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis)
Author(s): Sule Ola Salawu
Probing Yeast Fermented Palm Wine Interactions with the Surface of its Plastic Container
Author(s): Eziaku Osarolube, Ogueri Nwaiwu
Flood control measures: mapping encroachments along the river Kaveri in Tamil Nadu, Thanjavur District, India
Author(s): J. Senthil, P. H. Anand
Synthesis of nanoparticles by green chemistry process and their application in surface coatings: A review
Author(s): Snehal Mohan Yedurkar, Chandra Bhanu Maurya, Prakash Anna Mahanwar
Post facto, trends and pattern of Urbanity in Sikkim
Author(s): Kalosona Paul, Deepak Sharma
Comparison of Chemical, Biological and Physical Quality Assessment of Indoor Swimming Pools in Maragheh City, Iran in 2015
Author(s): Davoud Balarak, Yousef Mahdavi, Mohammad Jafari Modrek
Evaluation of information and advisory support received by the farmers in Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Author(s): Suvanthini Shanmugaratnam Terensan, Gunaratnam Thirukkumaran
Experimental and theoretical studies on Riboflavin�¢����s behavior against copper corrosion in 1M HNO3
Author(s): M. A. Tigori, F. N. Bony, P. M. Niamien, A. J. Yapo, A. Trokourey
Effects on growth and survival of Litopenaeus vannamei culture special reference with temperature
Author(s): A. Karuppasamy, V. Mathivanan, R. Karuppasamy
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) Methods for Synthesis of Thin Films: A Comparative Study
Author(s): P. A. Savale