Emotional intelligence (EI) among students of School of Nursing and Midwifery, Zahedan in 2016
Author(s): Azizollah Arbabisarjou, Sadegh Zare, Gholamreza Ghoreishinia, Mahnaz Shahrakipour
The Relationship between Efficiency and Effectiveness among Staff of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences
Author(s): Mansour Ganjali, Mahnaz Shahrakipour, Hassan Shahrakipour
Life quality review of operating rooms personnel working in educational hospitals of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences in 2016
Author(s): FereydoonLaal, Sadegh Zare, Mohammad Hossein Chalak, Adineh HA, Zeinab Almasi
The Investigation of Skeletal and Muscular Disorders among Surgery Room Personnel in Zahedan Educational Hospitals in 2015
Author(s): FereydoonLaal, Sadegh Zare, Mohammad Hossein Chalak, Hossein Jafari
Studies on novel heteroaryl azo dyes
Author(s): Ankitkumar D. Panchal and Jayantibhai A. Chaudhari
Assessment of Physico-Chemical quality of Ground Water samples in and around Trichy Town, Tamilnadu, India
Author(s): M. Mohamed Sihabudeen, A. Abbas Ali, A. Zahir Hussain
Some Studies on Wearable Printed Antennas
Author(s): Sridhar Pattanaik
Determination of growth, physio-biochemical activity and alkaloid yield in Catharanthusroseus, as influenced by gamma irradiated carrageenan
Author(s): Zeba H. Khana, A. Akeela, F. Mohammada, M. Masroor A. Khana, Lalit Varshney
Microseismicity applications in hydraulic fracturing monitoring
Author(s): Ali Isa, Mustapha A. Mohammed
Assessment artificial lighting intensity
Author(s): Alaa A. Saleh
Microwave assisted epoxidation of soybean oil - An efficient method
Author(s): N. B. Samarth, P. A. Mahanwar